To make your characters feel as lifelike as possible, you have to give your characters lifelike traits and ideals. And what, dear writer, is more human than wishing you could be doing something more enjoyable at literally any given moment.
But writers don't know anything about that...

If money, time, space, and the end of the world (or whatever your story's conflict may be) were non-issues, what would your character be doing? What passion would your character completely indulge in given the opportunity?
How does this prompt help breathe life into your character and story? I like to think about the scene in Return of the King.
"Do you remember the Shire, Mr. Frodo? It'll be spring soon. And the orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. And they'll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields... and eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries?"
Sam and Frodo are surrounded by lava on the side of Mount Doom, injured and exhausted. The scene in the movie is dark, the only light coming from the lava threatening to encroach upon them. But all Sam can think of is home, The Shire in springtime tranquility. The thought of The Shire is a huge driving factor for Sam. He fights to get himself and Frodo back to their home. I don't think there's a moment in Sam's journey that The Shire isn't on his mind.
This passion may be your character's reason to fight, the thing that propels them forward.
"Sure, life as we know it will cease to exist if we don't fight this fight. So I'm going to fight. And when I win, I'm going straight to that beach I first visited years ago. And not even the forces of hell can ruin it."
Or the thing that reminds them of their humanity or why they're fighting.
"Have you ever seen Vermont in the fall? The Aspen trees turn to gold. The mountains just come alive. There's this pumpkin patch tucked away near my hometown. I'd go and sit on the patio and watch teh sunset dip low over the hills. I'd watch the families pick out their pumpkins. I always brought treats for the farmer's dogs. They loved me. ... I hope it's still there."
The further away their passion is to the action at hand and the more time goes by that prevents them from indulging in this passion, the stronger your character's internal tension will be. And this tension is what will drive your character and their story.
What are they willing to risk to get back to that passion? How hard are they willing to fight? Does it ever become too much for them?
I hope this helps! Happy writing!